More Crab Apples and More!


Here’s the other crab apple tree in my yard.  The bed underneath it is full of stuff that should start blooming soon.  We really don’t have a lot of flowers in bloom here yet because Edmonton is very far north.  The days are about sixteen hours long right now, though, so we catch up quickly.


I do have a lot of these snowdrop Anemones open.  They make a nice ground cover after they’re done blooming.


The first of my peonies, a fern-leaf peony, is open, too.

I’ve still got so much work to do just to get the beds weeded and planted.  I’m going to try to make a day of it tomorrow if the weather cooperates.  Hopefully, there will be more photos to come soon!

The View from My Front Door


I love this time of year when the crab apples are blooming!  This is a photo I took from my front step this morning.  I just pointed and clicked the camera.  I have two more trees like this: one with a lighter-colored bloom and the other with a rosier bloom.

The weather is a little cool and rainy right now, so this very short-lived blooming season might be extended from one week to two.  I hope so!  The only solace I get from knowing that the crab apples are finished is knowing that the lilacs follow shortly afterward.

My Two Cents on the RuPaul Controversy



I like RuPaul.  He graciously allowed me to interview him a few years ago.  I was a fan of his before that, and I’m still a fan today.

Over the last week, however, I’ve read a lot of negative comments about the performer because of his refusal to apologize for using the word “tranny” on his TV show, “RuPaul’s Drag Race.”  I’ve also read a lot of positive comments defending RuPaul for his refusal to apologize.  In fact, the comments have run the gamut, from people who would award him the Nobel Peace Prize to people who would have him lynched.  Seriously!

Now here’s what I’ve gathered from the issue: most of you are horribly selfish people who can only argue a point as it applies to your own personal experience.  There is barely any objectivity displayed in most of your arguments nor is there any desire to compromise reflected in your comments.

I’m often accused of being patronizing because I’m not afraid to speak up as the adult in many of these conversations.  I don’t take it as an insult because there’s nothing wrong with being a grown up or arguing a point that is contrary to that of a bunch of spoiled children.

Hey everyone — grow the fuck up!