My Astro Twins: Part Three


United Kingdom

Okay, this is going to seem weird, but bear with me . . .

My third astro-twin is the United Kingdom. Founded on January 1, 1801 at 12:01 AM, the United Kingdom has a natal chart very close to my own. We not only share our Capricorn sun, Cancer moon and Libra ascendant, but also Mercury in Sagittarius, Venus in Aquarius, Neptune in Scorpio and a Cancer midheaven.

So what does that mean? Well, first let’s compare the similarities. Neither of us would be surprised if anyone used the word “daft” to describe us: we’re known for our eccentricities. English is our language (I even have a university degree in English). We both get along well with the USA, but we’re both glad that we’re not American. Cool weather is my thing. I’m not always the boss but I usually act like I am. People often mistake my pragmatism for political conservatism although I’m very liberal from a social perspective. There’s a saying that goes “no man is an island,” but I always feel as if I’m one. I also show no signs of slowing down, even though it feels as if I’ve been around forever. I’m in great shape for my age!

And now for the differences. The United Kingdom is a sovereign state in Europe. I’m a guy who lives in Canada. The UK has the everyday monotony of “Coronation Street,” while I prefer the glitzy trash of “The Young and the Restless” and “Days of Our Lives.” The UK is a constitutional monarchy. I’m a one-man dictatorship — no one is going to tell me what to do! The biggest difference, however, lies in our sun/moon placements. The UK has its natal sun in the fourth house and its moon in the tenth. I have my natal sun in the third house and my moon in the ninth. I mentioned these positions in my previous entry when I discussed the Duchess of Cambridge. I’m more of an optimist as a result, and less of a traditionalist.

So that’s it! It’s interesting that the two actual people who share much of my chart are both Brits. Maybe I should move there. It’s just so far away from Las Vegas . . .




I have a lot of Virgo friends. I just found this image online and I’m wondering if it’s one of them.

Anyway, the sun entered Virgo this morning. It’s usually a good time of year for me because I’m quite Virgo-like in my fondness for routine. I get along very well with Virgos, too, except when they drink too much and get all desperate and needy.

In a couple of days the sun is going to meet Jupiter in Virgo. Venus and Mars will follow soon, giving this autumn Virgo vibes in general. For the next couple of months, we need to clean up after ourselves, both literally and figuratively. Chaotic behavior will be rewarded with more chaos. Hard work and diligence will be rewarded with tangible benefits. With Saturn finishing it’s retrograde stint in Scorpio mid-September, everything is going to take on a Karmic cast. Virgo is the goddess of the harvest and she teaches us that we reap what we sow. If you’ve made a mess, you’ve only got yourself to blame.

I’m optimistic about these transits, of course. I’m a Capricorn and all this action in my solar ninth house means that it’s going to be easy for me to be the stickler for details that I am. It’s much different than actual transits of my natal ninth house that make me feel as if things are going to go my way without any effort on my part. That’s called self-delusion. And even those many of these planets are about to enter my natal twelfth house soon — the house of delusion — I’m lucky to have just as many planets working to keep me grounded. Pluto is going to be sitting atop my natal sun for a couple of months. That ought to keep me from rushing into anything without thinking it through.

As for the rest of you, it’s a good time to turn the mirror onto yourselves instead of trying to explain what’s wrong with everyone else. Avoid being overly critical, but also avoid fighting with your critics. If people see things differently than you it’s because they have eyes, too.

My Astro Twins: Part Two

Kate Middleton

Kate Middleton

Next up on my rundown of fabulous celebrities who share the most important elements of my natal chart is Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge.

Kate and I share four planetary placements: a Capricorn sun, a Cancer moon, a Libra rising sign and Venus in Aquarius. For an outsider looking in, it would be natural to compare the two of us. It’s as if we were destined to rule over our inferiors! But actually our charts are quite different. Kate’s sun opposes her moon from the fourth house to the tenth house: a sort of mutual reception by house placement. Mine aren’t in opposition and they occupy the third and ninth house respectively. With Venus and Jupiter in mutual reception by both sign and house placement in my natal chart, that axis becomes far more important to my character. It’s why I feel the incessant need to communicate with the world-at-large.

Kate, on the other hand, has taken on a very traditional role as the one of the figureheads of a nation. With Mars, Saturn and Pluto all in her first house, she’s also going to be able to transform the monarchy into something more palatable for future generations. My first house is vacant, like the look in my eyes when I read the work of most other astrologers.

So I guess what I’m saying is that the two of us are more like fraternal twins. I hoped that we would be identical because things really seem to be going her way lately. Still, there’s nothing in my chart that makes me believe that I could handle the scrutiny she has to deal with every day. She’s a tough broad. I believe we’ve only begun to see that.